No fairytale allowed in reality ?

Why we don't remember the fairytale also after the story becomes real?Did we get to the point when we just sabotage our own relationships? Why is it so much easier to remember and focus on the negative aspects of the relationship and not the positive ones? We all know that after those few months of fairytale … Continue reading No fairytale allowed in reality ?

When is good to be selfish?

Being selfish was always seen as a flaw. But what about those moments when being selfish can actually make you a better person? When is ok to be selfish ? 1. It all starts with the person you choose to be and the ways to get there. You can take people's advice and be inspired by … Continue reading When is good to be selfish?

Bad is good

Bad is good

A diamon it's a coal that goes through a great deal of pressure and suffering in order to get all the beauty out. It survives incredible extremes of temperatures and pressure to become the hardest, the most imperishable, and the brilliant of all precious stones. So don't run away from things and new experiences because you might get hurt. Do what you want to do now and never regret any choice you made because in that moment that's what you needed to be happy. Suffering can make you become great and strong like a diamon. Allow yourself to suffer, take the best out of that experience and then move on. Suffering is like having a fire cleaning you inside, what the Greeks called "catharsis". And the fire will go slowly away and there will be left just peace, empathy and kindness. A diamond is a transparent gem made of carbon, one of the Earth's most common elements. It's carbon that decided to not remain just carbon but to become unique so it chose to take the hard way in order to become the support of the light. It chose to carry the brightest light and spread it everywhere around it inspite of all the suffering from its past. So go ...Become a diamon. Beautiful, pure, sparkling, strong, lovely.. Chose to shine in the dark.